These Overnight Facial Masks Will be at Work Even When You’re Not

These Overnight Facial Masks Will be at Work Even When You’re Not

Even if you might not be aware, your skin does the most work at night. As your cells work overtime, these night shifters will give them just the boost they need.


There’s a whole lot that goes on with your skin when you drift off to dreamland. As your body enters rest mode, the repair works begin. It’s at night when skin cells put in the extra work to regenerate and restore themselves. There’s good (biological) reason why beauty sleep is preached as THE prescription for flawless skin. It might be 2020 but there really is no way around it – you have to clock in the hours if you want a glowin’ complexion.

But perhaps, you could negotiate the hours a little with the help of overnight masks that boost the skin’s recovery process. It serves to be meticulous with your nighttime skincare routine. Trust us, it might mean adding a step or two but it’d pay off in the morning when you wake up to glowin’ skin. When you look good, you feel good – can you think of a better way to start the morning than a dose of self-confidence to seize the day? From ones that fade blemishes to others that deeply moisturise, here’s a lineup of overnight masks that will be at work even when you’re not.

Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask

Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask

Allies of Skin Promise Keeper Blemish Sleeping Facial 

Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Sleeping Mask

Laniege Time Freeze Firming Sleeping Mask

Dr Dennis Gross Clarifying Collodial Sulfur Mask

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