Hollywood’s Muted Celebration After Trump Impeachment

For the third time in American history, a sitting president has been impeached, and for the first time in history, celebrities have had social media to spout off about it.

And they did, albeit in somewhat subdued manner. Of course, that may be the proper response at this time, no matter their passion, because this is only one step in the process and it is not the step that would remove President Trump from office as many would like to see.

That would only happen after the process shifts over to the Senate for an actual trial with the Senators acting as a fair and impartial jury.

The GOP-led Senate where some Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham have already said they have no intention of being fair an impartial because they’ve already made up their minds that this is a sham. Instead, they’re seeking to have no witnesses, align their position with Trump’s counsel and vote for acquittal as quickly as possible.

The president was struck with two articles of impeachment Wednesday night, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. All of this comes after months of investigations and allegations that Trump pressured Ukraine into investigating the Biden family for personal political gain while withholding approved military aid.

So while Hollywood is celebrating this historic moment of impeachment, it is no guarantee at all that they’ll get what many of them are hoping for, which is him removed from office. Conservatives were unable to remove Bill Clinton from office when he was impeached. Andrew Johson, the first president impeached, was also acquitted in a Senate trial.

In other words, this may be more a matter of putting the matter on the public record for Democrats — or political jockeying for the upcoming election — rather than an actual, tangible effort to see Trump removed from office. Certainly, the measure faces an uphill battle in an unfriendly Senate for liberal-minded voters (which includes much of Hollywood).

In the meantime, many celebrities are on the edges of their seats after Wednesday’s historic vote and will likely remain perched there through the holiday break until the Senate picks this up early in the new year:

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