If 2020 Were a Song, ‘[dear universe]’ Would Be It! Watch the New Music Video

It’s been a rough year, and now The Raddical is taking on 2020 with a new song and music video called “[dear universe]”!

The song covers current events with lyrics like “dear universe/i’m just thinking that something’s gotta give/kids pulling triggers, and Trump’s got his twitter on the news again.”

Watching the video — filled with news footage referencing COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, homelessness, and more — puts it all in a stark light.

“[dear universe]” also incorporates the famous speech from the 1940 film “The Great Dictator” as Charlie Chaplin’s character the barber impersonates a dictator (also played by Chaplin) and declares he’s had a change of heart. He tells the people, “You the people have the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.”

Dann Saxton, musician and mastermind behind The Raddical, says, “I believe humans are smarter than borders or problems created by money. It’s complicated, but I believe one day when we colonize another planet perhaps, we will understand.”

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