Everything you Need to Know to Bid Adieu to Bacne Forever

Everything you Need to Know to Bid Adieu to Bacne Forever

We’re (quite literally) bringing sexy back.


Acne, no matter which where it shows up, can deal a huge blow to one’s self-confidence. Even the Kanye loves Kanye type of self-love might not be a match for pesky acne. For most of us, who unfortunately missed the genetic lottery, facial acne is a rite of passage into adulthood. For some, it lingers longer than others. Just as they can occur on the face, they can pop up pretty much anywhere else on the body.

Second to facial acne, bacne (a portmanteau of back and acne) is a common form of acne that most people grapple with. Especially so if you live in the tropics where it’s hot and humid all year round. The bacteria and oils produced from excess perspiration is bad news for the skin.

Bacne forms the same way as do the pimples anywhere else on the skin – clogged pores are the culprits. Hence, the course of action in dealing with the pimples that form on your back is very much similar to how you’d treat the ones on your face.

First things first, inspect the ingredient list of your body soap. Ideally, you’d want to be using a mild soap that contains AHA which helps control the formation of acne. Just like your face, the skin everywhere else on your body needs to be exfoliated to prevent the build up of excess dead skin. Then, you’d want to top off your routine with a lightweight body moisturiser formulated with hyaluronic, glycerin and salicylic acid. These are your army of bacteria fighting agents which will have you battle ready when you go head on with bacne.

The small details matter too, if you’re all about that fitspo life, you absolutely have to hop into the shower pronto after a sweat sesh. As your science textbooks will have you know, bacteria multiples and thrives in moisturise. To further alleviate a bacne flare up, opt for breathable, loose-fitting and preferably cotton tops. Friction from the fabric too could aggravate and irritate inflamed skin.

The skin on your body deserves just as much TLC as your money-maker. The backless summer dresses await.

Mario Badescu A.H.A Botanical Body Soap


Blue Clay Balancing Cleanse Clay Soap Bar

Frank Body Original Coffee Scrub

REN Clean Skincare Moroccan Rose Otto Sugar Body Polish


Drunk Elephant Sili Body Lotion

Vmv Hypoallergenics Re-Everything Face, Hand & Body Lotion

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