Young Thug Responds to Sauce Walka’s Boxing Challenge

Young Thug has responded to rap rival Sauce Walka’s challenge to step into the ring for a fight — and it doesn’t look as though fans will get the boxing match they were hoping for.

“2020 I’m ‘ Naturally ‘ ending all my grease wit scary ass rappers ‘ SO HERE’S UR CHANCE ‘ all Blue check celebrities that’s REALLY CELEBRITIES ARE WELCOME. NO MORE GUN VIOLENCE IN 2020 let’s FIGHTS any of my famous ‘ OUTS ‘ are welcome to join or the Grease is over cause u ‘ SCARY ‘ so we can all be friends 🤷🏾‍♂️😂😂😂 @thuggerthugger1 @thuggerthugger1 WHOEVA F*CKED UP WIT ME THAT ME THAT’s FAMOUS OR I OFFICIALLY QUIT AND AND SQUASH IT.”

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