Few feelings compare to getting your hands on a vintage piece you’ve been coveting for a long time. I’ve been coveting the nineties feel-good era of fashion since, well, the nineties. After thoroughly digging through archives on reseller platforms (eBay, Poshmark, Heroine etc.) I finally came across this rare throwback Rocawear zip up at, wait for it, Salvation Army… in mint condition.

With today’s current political climate, everyone needs an anchor, or something that brings them back to the good times — an escape from all this cultural anxiety that comes with the lightning-fast change of the now. For me, that’s fashion. Things weren’t as complicated as they’ve become. I turn to familiar silhouettes, styles and brands. This isn’t anything groundbreaking, but it puts me at ease. Oh, and it’s sustainable.

Being sustainable and watching your footprint on earth is something every one of us should consciously work on. In America, where rampant consumerism is at an all-time high, it’s important to try and take steps toward engaging with our earth in less harmful ways. An easy way to do so is by shopping vintage and cutting down on excess spending.

Okay, rant over. Back to the look. It’s as easy as a wife beater, solid denim, sneakers and slicked back hair-do. Don’t you miss when things were simple?

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