Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes: What July’s Partial Eclipse Means for Each Zodiac Sign

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On July 16, 2019 a partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn will occur. Eclipse is also the third book in the highly problematic Twilight series. I love it entirely. I mean, there were so many choices that Stephanie Meyer could have made—and she went for complete abandonment. What a bold move. What a power play.


Eclipses happen approximately four to six times a year, each one bringing with it a new energies and emotions. Since lunar eclipses only occur on full moons, their astrological significance typically has us focusing internally on our feelings and perceptions of reality, as well as on the intentions of others.

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth is located directly between the sun and moon. Because of this, the moon is either fully or partially blocked from the light of the sun. Basically—the moon just disappears. A lunar eclipse can mean a lot of different things—but for most signs, a lunar eclipse typically marks the closing point of an event or decision. While solar eclipses mark beginnings, lunar eclipses mark endings.

This lunar eclipse is especially loaded, as it’s location in Capricorn is associated with business, hard work and ambition. This means all signs may want to look toward their jobs, careers and schooling. Are you or is someone close to you graduating? How are you adapting to work challenges? If you’re bored or restless, what responsibilities or new ventures can you look into to keep yourself engaged or moving forward?

Because this lunar eclipse is in Capricorn, we also need to be mindful that our discipline and practicality aren’t punitive. That is to say—keeping punishing hours and setting unrealistic/stressful arbitrary deadlines can do more harm than good. Finding a sustainable, realistic pace is your best chance at success, and also not hating your everyday life. Because ultimately—your job, goals, and relationships should bring you joy. If it’s just constant stress, something needs to change.

If lunar eclipse rituals are your thing, or you’re looking to do something to help you mark an accomplishment or letting go of a painful situation—now is the time to heal and break toxic or unhealthy cycles.

1astrological signs aries v2 What Julys Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign (Alternately Titled: I Am a Twilight Apologist)

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aries –

This partial eclipse will signify the end of an era for you, Aries. For better or worse, a new life awaits. The question is—what do you want that to look like? While you don’t need to make a decision immediately, going forward with intention in your career, relationships or wellness is the best way for you to create a clear path. Your passion for learning new things and advocating for others will help steer you forward, but everything else is up to you.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Taurus –

Resistance to change is natural. Our bodies are smart. They want to conserve energy, in case we get attacked by wild boars and need to run away. And really, who wants to face painful decisions and make sacrifices for their greater happiness? Not me! That sounds super shitty! But this eclipse will help you face the inevitable. It’s time to make a choice, and move forward. Don’t let the fear of being wrong stop you from living your life. The right choice is whichever one you make.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Gemini –

Take a deep breath, and slow down, Gemini. Your energetic pace can be such a double-edged sword. Remember that the world (and other signs) don’t always see the world in the same, fast-paced way that you do. Don’t be afraid to be patient and take your time. Change won’t happen overnight—but the real stuff, the things that will last, will come anyway.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Cancer –

It’s time for a change of direction, Cancer. In life, in love, this eclipse marks something different for you. Your emotional, loving nature is one of the cornerstones of your personality, and listening to these facets of your core self will help you determine what comes next. One thing is for sure: Things will never be the same.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Leo –

Be strong, Leo. Your confidence and faith will help you more than ever in this next stage. Health complications in your life or in that of a loved one can be a game-changer, but you are more than equipped to handle the ups and downs. Be courageous, and take care of yourself. Remember, your oxygen mask goes on before anyone else’s.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Virgo –

Like Bella, you have a difficult choice to make. Unlike Bella, you should consider alternatives to dating pervy vampires and instead focus on your long-term goals—not that those two are mutually exclusive, necessarily. Your fear of criticism stems from your own harsh judgments more than actual comments from others. So untangle your self-talk: Are your choices really your own, or is a harsh inner critic calling the shots?

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Libra –

Avoid over-scheduling this eclipse, as room for spontaneity and adjustments will be required. Which, really, is a good rule for life. Having intention is important, but to expect that we know what will/should happen with all the variables that life throws us at a daily basis is just foolish. Learning to live with a built-in buffer will help you manage stress and expectations.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Scorpio –

This eclipse may have you feeling envy regarding a possession or someone’s status. We all know that comparison is a recipe for feeling bad about ourselves, but this is a lesson we have to learn over and over. Try to celebrate your own accomplishments, and seek validation from yourself. Happiness is a choice. It’s not easy, but it’s better than the alternative.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Sagittarius –

Now is a great time for you to go back to school, further your education or spend time investing in a new skill. Your intelligent nature and penchant for reflection and philosophical thought will be heightened this eclipse. You’ve always talked about taking up knitting, or learning that new language. Sign up now, or make a concrete plan. Investing in yourself is more of a sure thing than stocks or real estate.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Capricorn –

Don’t ignore your emotions this eclipse, Capricorn. You can’t embrace happiness while shunning fear or disappointment. Cherry-picking your emotions can lead to heavy denial patterns, and make it hard to respond to emotions in a logical, healthy and thoughtful way. Instead, try to name what you’re feeling without judgment. Only then can you really heal and let go.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aquarius –

Making decisions is difficult, but this eclipse will help you hone in on what’s important in order to take a step forward. Lately, it may feel like every action is a slog—and that’s OK. But in order for that to change, you need a plan. And before you make a plan, you have to make a deal with yourself that you’re ready to change. Answering this question, really, without excuses, is your key to freedom.

STYLECASTER | What July's Partial Lunar Eclipse Means for Every Zodiac Sign

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Pisces –

Because the moon rules our emotions, you may feel hypersensitive during this eclipse. Try and be kind and gentle with yourself. You’re going to feel it all anyway—why add guilt onto the pile? Taking deep breaths and grounding yourself with yoga or meditation is a good way to regulate your emotions while still honoring them in your life.

So enjoy the eclipse, sweet signs. And yes, for those wondering (and I’m sure you aren’t), I am staunchly Team Edward, even though he is objectively terrible.

Love, love, love.

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