‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Episode 2 Theories | ‘GOT’ ‘A Knight of Seven Kingdoms’ Spoilers, Clues, Easter Eggs

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With a week away until the battle between Winterfell and the Night King’s White Walker army, GOT fans are knee-deep in Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 theories to predict what happens next. This week’s episode, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”, ended with several cliffhangers for our favorite characters. (Spoilers ahead). Jon told Daenerys that he’s a Targaryen (and her nephew.) Arya and Gendry had sex. And the Night King and the White Walkers are within a stone’s throw of Winterfell’s walls.

With four episodes until the GOT series finale, the writers are wasting no time to move the story along, which means there will be big deaths ahead for our characters. But who will live, who will die and who will take the Iron Throne at the end of the HBO series? Of course, no one except for the cast and crew knows for sure, but that isn’t stopping fans from obsessing over the clues and Easter eggs from Sunday’s episode. We learned a whole lot of information in Game of Thrones this week (such as that the Night King is after Bran and no one else), but what does this tell us about the future of Westeros? Check out the most intriguing theories from Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 ahead.

Arya Is Pregnant with Gendry’s Baby

As everyone and their moms know, Arya! And! Gendry! Had! Sex! The moment happens soon after Gendry tells Arya that he’s Robert Baratheon’s bastard and the last heir of the Baratheon bloodline. But the scene didn’t only establish that Gendrya is canon; for many fans, it also established the theory that Arya is pregnant with Gendry’s baby, who will join the Stark and Baratheon houses. In the series premiere of Game of Thrones, Robert Baratheon tells Ned Stark, “I have a son. You have a daughter. We’ll join our houses.” Of course, at this time, it’s assumed he was talking about his son, Joffrey, and Ned’s daughter, Sansa. But could this have been a clue to Arya and Gendry’s baby the entire time.

As fans know, Joffrey was never a true heir to the Baratheon bloodline (as he’s the son of Cersei and Jaime—not Cersei and Robert.) And though Gendry is a bastard, he does have Baratheon blood, which, if he and Arya did have a child, would join their houses like their fathers intended. As some remember, the Starks and Baratheons were supposed to join when Robert Baratheon and Lyanna Stark married, but Lyanna ended up falling in love with Rhaegar Targaryen and had his child instead. Is Arya really pregnant? We don’t know, but it’s something to keep an eye out for.

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The White Walkers Will Resurrect the Dead in the Crypts

There was a lot of talk about the crypts in episode 2 and how it was a “safe” place for those not fighting in the war. But how safe could an area filled with undead be in a war against the, um, undead? According to this theory, not very. There’s a theory that the White Walkers will resurrect the dead in the crypts and put everyone inside of them in danger. The theory comes from the episode 3 teaser, where Daenerys tells Jon, “The dead are already here.” Episode 2 already established that the White Walkers were at Winterfell, so fans theorize that Daenerys’s line is actually about the dead in the crypts. One Reddit user wrote, “That line happens between Dany and Jon, and felt super significant – but we already see the army of the dead, felt it was too obvious to be their reaction to them. Then it clicked: The crypt is full of dead people. All episode they keep repeating and emphasizing how safe it was in the crypt, but its GOT and we cannot have nice things. So is it possible we have old Starks rising from the crypts? Or is that too far fetched? PLUS we saw in multiple previews Arya fighting in the crypts with her new weapon…””

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Daenerys and Jon Will Give Up the Iron Throne for Each Other

Toward the end of episode 2, Podrick sings a song while sitting around a fire with Tyrion, Jaime, Brienne, Davos and Tormund. “High in the halls of the kings who are gone,” Podrick sings. “Jenny would dance with her ghosts. The ones she had lost and the ones she had found. The ones who had loved her the most.” Readers of the book will recognize the tune as “Jenny’s Song”, which tells the story of a woman named Jenny of Oldstones and Prince Duncan Targaryen (Daenerys’s great uncle.) In short, Duncan was first in line to take the Iron Throne, but gave it up to be with a woman named Jenny of Oldstones, which wasn’t a part of the political marriage plan his family had for him. Why is this relevant? Well, many fans see a parallel between Duncan and Jenny’s relationship with Daenerys and Jon’s. At the end of episode 2, Daenerys and Jon’s relationship seems up in the air after he tells her that he’s Rhaegar Targaryen’s son and would be next in line for the Iron Throne. Fans theorize that neither Daenerys nor Jon will take the Iron Throne at the end of the series (choosing love over power, like Duncan), and that Daenerys will save Jon from the Night King in the next episode (after contemplating his death, which would make her next in line for the throne.) Here are the lyrics in full:

“High in the halls of the kings who are gone

Jenny would dance with her ghosts.

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found.

And the ones who had loved her the most.

The ones who’d been gone for so very long

She couldn’t remember their names

They spun her around on the damp, cold stone

Spun away her sorrow and pain

And she never wanted to leave”

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Grey Worm, Jorah, Theon and Brienne Will Die

There is bound to be a bloodbath in the next GOT episode, and there were clues for at least four characters’ deaths. Grey Worm’s death was hinted when he kissed Missandei before he went off to battle and planned a future with her, in which the two reunite with their people and travel back to where there are beaches. Many believe this is a Death Flag or a classic case of a character dooming himself by talking about the future when there’s no return that he’ll survive the war. The same happens for Jorah, who Samwell promises to see after the North’s army wins the battle.

As for Theon and Brienne, fans assume their deaths are imminent because of how little story there is left for the characters. Theon’s story arc was completed when he redeemed himself and his house by making peace with Sansa and fighting for the Starks. There isn’t much left for him other than to die nobly for the family he has sworn to defend. The same is for Brienne, who was knighted and fulfilled he promise to Catelyn to protect Sansa. Perhaps her last way of protecting Sansa is by slaying the White Walkers and dying heroically in the process.

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The Night King Will Go to King’s Landing

There’s a theory that the battle with the White Walkers won’t end after episode 3. The theory predicts that the Night King will travel to King’s Landing with his ice dragon to zombify the Golden Army that Cersei has. Here’s what one Reddit fan theory predicts: “When the army of the undead line up for the battle of Winterfell, the Night King and his zombie dragon will not be there. Instead he will already be near to his next target … King’s Landing. If you play out what the battle of Winterfell would be like in your head if the NK+Viserion would be there… it would be easy for Drogon/Rhaegal to take out the zombie dragon; it’s 2v1 and wight’s all can be killed by fire.. including Viserion. It would not be difficult to simply fly up to Viserion and breathe fire on him, and that would be that. THE NIGHT KING IS NOT STUPID, not enough to kamikaze his most powerful asset. – If you have a superweapon that you can’t use against a particular target, then you find a different target.” (Keep in mind that this Reddit theory was written before episode 2.)

Of course, at the end of episode 2, we see the Night King and his army of White Walkers on horses as they approach Winterfell. But that doesn’t mean he can’t leave Winterfell mid-battle to travel to King’s Landing with a zombified Viserion. Though there have been hints that the Night King will die in the next episode, nothing is certain and the character could very much live on to terrorize another day. Other evidence includes Bran’s vision of a dragon’s shadow flying over King’s Landing (at first, it’s assumed the dragon is one of Daenerys’s, but it could very much be an ice Viserion) and Daenerys’s vision of a snowy Iron Throne. Still, others predict that the Night King won’t go to King’s Landing but to the ship where the Golden Army is to zombify them before they even reach land.

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Bran Is the Night King

Episode 2 confirmed that the Night King’s target is Bran because he’s the new Three-Eyed Raven, whom the Night King wants to kill to create an “endless night” and “erase” the world. “He wants to erase this world. And I am its memory,” Bran says. Still, fans are gung-ho on the theory that Bran is the Night King, and that theory is stronger now than ever. Along with Bran cryptically telling Jaime that he’s not Bran anymore in episode 2, Reddit users discovered that a formation the White Walkers made in season 7 looks a lot like the Stark wolf sigil, which only adds to the theory that the Night King and Bran are more connected than we thought.

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Jaime Is Azor Ahai

At the start of episode 2, the Valyrian sword Widow’s Wail was returned to Jaime, which made fans think that he could be Azor Ahai reborn. Azor Ahai (aka the Prince Who Was Promised) is a mythical, god-like figure who defeat the darkness with his sword, Lightbringer. The prophecy from the GOT books state: “There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him.”

There’s a theory that the Valyrian story that tells the tale of Azor Ahai was mistranslated. Instead of “aeksio” and “onos”, which translate to “lord” and “light”, fans believe that the original words were “aeksion” and “ondos”, which translate to “gold hand.” As fans know, Jaime’s hand was cut off and replaced with a gold hand when he defended Brienne, which Brienne reminded viewers at the start of episode 2 when she explained to Daenerys and Sansa why Jaime shouldn’t be executed. According to the tale, Lightbringer only has enough power to defeat the darkness after Azor Ahai plunges it into the woman he loves. Fans believe that this is Cersei, though it could also be Brienne if she turns into a White Walker and Jaime must kill her. It’s a wild theory, considering that fans think either Daenerys or Jon is Azor Ahai.

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Ned Stark Is Alive and Will Kill the White Walkers in the Crypt

There’s been a longtime theory that Ned Stark is alive and in hiding and that a Faceless Man, with Ned’s face, was beheaded instead of him. (We talk about this theory more here, but essentially, the rule that Faceless Men can only copy the faces of dead people isn’t true, as Jaqen was able to copy Arya who was alive and standing in front of him.) If the theory that the dead in the crypts will become White Walkers, there’s another theory that Ned will come out of hiding to defend those in the crypt and kill the White Walkers who are terrorizing them. “When NK raises the dead in the crypts, we won’t see Ned coming out of his tomb. Rather, we will see someone with a hidden face kill all the wights in the crypts, and then Tyrion will go up to him and it will be revealed that it was actually Ned Stark. Scene cuts to the rest of the fight and the crypts arnt shown / mentioned for the rest of the episode,” one Reddit user wrote.

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Tyrion Is a Targaryen

We’ve also talked about this theory here, but essentially, the theory is that Tyrion is the son of Aerys Targaryen and Joanna Lannister after their secret affair, and that Tywin Lannister knew about it which is why he’s always treated Tyrion as not his biological child. (There’s also the “dragon has three heads” theory which is why everything Targaryen-related comes in threes: Daenerys’s dragons, the Targaryen sigil with a three-headed dragon, etc. Now that Jon is revealed to be a Targaryen, the theory predicts that Tyrion is also Targaryen, so Daenerys will have two Targaryens to rule alongside her.)

Fast forward to this week’s episode and Bran has a secret conversation with Tyrion. We don’t find out what they’re talking about (the camera cuts and never returns), but we know (from previous scenes where the show has done this, like Cersei’s pregnancy last season), that there is something important said. Could Bran be telling Tyrion that he’s a Targaryen? This Reddit theory predicts that this is how the show will avoid the issue of whether Dany or Jon will take the Iron Throne.

“But Tyrion being the 3rd Targ also means both Jon/Dany can die because now we have someone with claim to the throne from both sides: He is legitimate heir through the Lannister side, when Jon/Dany die, he is also the only remaining male Targ. I think it’s just impossible to choose between the two who rules, tyrion sidesteps the thorny issue of having a show with strong female characters end up with a male king. Jon/Dany’s purpose in all this was to vanquish the Night King, and they will, but once that’s done, they die. Dany’s goal of a Targ sitting on the throne will still be accomplished, even if it wasn’t her,” one Reddit user wrote.

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The Night King Will Try to Turn Daenerys into a White Walker, But He Can’t

There’s also a Reddit theory that the Night King will kidnap Daenerys in the next episode and try to turn her into a White Walker. Fans believe that this theory was hinted at with Daenerys’s pale skin and white clothing. The problem is is that the Night King can’t because Daenerys is the Mother of Dragons and her blood runs hot. “Dany is wearing all white, already has pale skin, makes me wonder if NK falls in love with her/abducts her, tries to convert her, but is unable to do so because her blood runs hot,” the Reddit user writes. If this theory is true, it would negate the theory that the Night King is a Targaryen (specifically Rhaegar). Still, it’s pretty interesting.

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