Pam Anderson Blasts Trump, Britain after Julian Assange’s Arrest in UK

Pam Anderson

Blasts Trump After Assange Arrest

‘This Toxic Coward of a President’

4/11/2019 6:30 AM PDT

Breaking News

Pam Anderson is enraged with Britain, The United States and President Trump after the arrest of her close friend Julian Assange.

Assange was arrested Thursday at the Ecuadorean Embassy in the UK after the country withdrew his asylum. Anderson went on a tear on Twitter Thursday morning, saying, “How could you Ecuador? (Because he exposed you). How could you UK.? Of course – you are America’s bitch and you need a diversion from your idiotic Brexit bulls**t.”

Pamela then turned her attention to The United States, tweeting, “And the USA? This toxic coward of a President. He needs to rally his base? You are selfish and cruel. You have taken the entire world backwards. You are devils and liars and thieves. And you will ROTT. And WE WILL RISE.”

It was during an August interview with Harvey Levin on OBJECTified when Anderson revealed she and Assange had a very tight relationship.

The two have remained in constant contact while he remained in the Ecuadorean embassy. 

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