Basketball Robot ‘CUE3’ Nails Half-Court Shot, Humans Shook

Basketball Robot

Nails Half-Court Shot …

Humans Shook

4/11/2019 10:53 AM PDT

Breaking News

Move over Steph Curry — robots have officially taken over basketball — ’cause there’s literally a 3-point shootin’ machine coming for your job … and it’s cool and terrifying as hell at the same time.

Toyota has been working on this “CUE3” robot hooper for “fun” … but really, all it’s doing is making us question what’s gonna happen when these things take over the sports world.

The robo baller — why even has its own jersey — made an appearance at the Japanese B.League’s Alvark Tokyo game on Thursday … taking a spot near half court, pulling up and draining a deep 3-pointer with ease.

The CUE3 is reportedly only used for fun and promo … but this is seriously equally cool/scary/weird.

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