Pompeo says Trump may have been chosen by God to save the Jewish people—from the problem he created

Mike Pompeo says Donald Trump May be The Chosen One — the man selected by God to save the Jewish people. From a problem that Trump is turning into a crisis.

In an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network, the secretary of state was asked if Trump “is a new Esther.” In the Bible, Esther is a Jewish queen to a Persian king usually identified as the historical figure Xerxes I. She discovers and thwarts a plot to kill the Jews under Xerxes’ control. Pompeo did not shy away from the connection. “As a Christian I certainly believe that’s possible,” he replied. He went on to say, “I am confident that the Lord is at work here” in selecting Trump as the person to protect the Jewish people from the modern incarnation of Persia, Iran.

All of which plays oddly against a report from the Wall Street Journal that Iran, which reached a historic multinational agreement to suspend development of nuclear weapons under President Obama, has resumed work on those weapons now that Trump has destroyed that agreement. The WSJ report indicates that Iran, which had previously been working with inspectors and was found to be in compliance with the agreement, is now buying both technologies and fissionable material through front companies connected to Russia and China.

So Trump is saving the Jewish people from Iran … by positioning Iran to construct nuclear weapons. 

On Thursday, Trump recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel. That drastic change in U.S. policy may provide a boost to the flagging electoral chances of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but also risks disrupting relationships across the Middle East. In the same week, it was learned that Jared Kushner has been holding WhatsApp conversations with multiple figures in the region, including Netanyahu and Saudi prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Purim, which was celebrated this week, is held on the day traditionally connected to Esther’s actions. Pompeo did not mention if Trump, like Esther, was selected for this role because of his “great beauty.” 

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