Cruise Ship Evacuating 1,300 People After Issuing Mayday in Norway

Cruise Ship Evacuation

Mayday in Norway

Engine Problems Amid Huge Waves

3/23/2019 10:33 AM PDT

Passengers on a cruise off of Norway’s coast are taking the ride of their lives … but not in the fun way they expected at all.

Police say the cruise ship Viking Sky issued a mayday call Saturday off of Norway’s western coast due to engine problems amid high waves and strong winds.

The ship’s 1,300 passengers and crew are being evacuated by several helicopters and ships after Norway’s sea rescue agency received the distress signal

There haven’t been any serious injuries, fortunately, but 5 people have reportedly been taken to the hospital. According to reports, the cruise ship was beginning to drift toward shore but managed to restart an engine and regain its course as the evacuation continues.

It’s expected to take several hours.

The Viking Sky belongs to Viking Ocean Cruises and made its maiden voyage in 2017.

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