Michael Jackson to Stay in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Michael Jackson

Staying in the Rock & Roll HOF …

Despite ‘Leaving Neverland’

3/21/2019 10:25 AM PDT


Michael Jackson might be getting muted on various platforms in the wake of “Leaving Neverland” … but the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ain’t gonna be one of them.

MJ’s two slots in the HOF will stay put and won’t be removed or altered in any way … despite the allegations made in HBO’s doc about the singer. The reason is simple … according to an HOF official — music is music is music. 

HOF honchos say Jackson, as with all of its inductees, was recognized for musical excellence and talent, along with having a lasting impact on rock ‘n’ roll. In other words, MJ changed music, like, forever.

What’s more … Michael was voted into the Hall (twice) by a voting body of historians, fellow musicians, and music industry professionals. He got in with the Jackson 5 in 1997, and again as a solo artist in 2001, when ‘NSYNC inducted him.

As for whether his HOF exhibit might be changed at all — possibly even removing memorabilia — our HOF sources say it all stays the same.

It’s interesting … a children’s museum in Indianapolis recently removed three pieces of MJ memorabilia items in the wake of Wade Robson and James Safechuck‘s claims. 

Not in Cleveland, though. Once a HOFer, always a HOFer … or so it seems.

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