Mitt Romney Blows Out Twinkie Birthday Cake Candles One by One

Mitt Romney

Blowing Out His Candles One by One

… Safety First???

3/12/2019 9:15 AM PDT

Mitt Romney‘s birthday got super freaky with lots of hot wax, Twinkies … and his unique approach to blowing.  

The Utah Senator turned 72 Tuesday, and his staff surprised him with a cake made of his “favorite snack,” much to his delight. Check out the vid, though — Mitt drops a quick dad joke … then gets weird with it.

It’s unclear why, but Romney takes his sweet time, removes each candle one by one … and THEN blows it out. 

Mitt’s method doesn’t seem very efficient, especially if anyone in his office has any place to be — but he claims it rewards him with more than the customary single birthday wish.

On the upside … less saliva to go around.

Twinkies, eh?? Who knew?

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